How Does It Work?

  • 1. Place your order and upload your song to our site.
  • 2. Within 48 hours, we'll send you a high-quality mp3 preview.
  • 3. Request a modification or approve to get the final files.
All packages include:
  • - One FREE modification. Additional modifications are $50/each.
  • - You own 100% of our work.
  • - Money-back guarantee on your first order.
Select service:


Drum Tracks up to 5 minutes long - $199
  • - Stereo drum mix (Included)
    You have these options for your final drum sources:
    - stereo mix
    - stereo mix + unprocessed tracks
    - stereo mix + processed tracks

    The unprocessed source tracks are the individual 9-12 drum channels. If you are sending the tracks to an engineer for mixing, this is the most popular choice so he has options in the mix.

    The processed source tracks include compression, eq, gates and phase reverse though our high-end outboard gear. However, we keep the processed tracks clean from any effects such as reverb or delay to allow you maximum flexibility when mixing.

    Since the processed source tracks have already been fine tuned, you can simply drop them into your project, pan and add some reverb, and have a perfect custom mix.
  • - 12 raw source tracks (+$55)
  • - 12 processed source tracks (+$99)


Select a snare drum or let us choose one that fits your song:
  • drum-img Ludwig Supraphonic (1988) play
  • drum-img Ludwig Classic Maple play
  • drum-img DW collectors play
  • drum-img Buzin BlackMagic play
  • drum-img Pearl Dennis Chambers play
  • drum-img Rogeres (1974) play
  • drum-img Pearl Masters Series play
Listen to drum programming demos

Google Reviews

4.9 (81 )

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