Music Image: Why You Should Care

Have you ever been standing in line to get your morning coffee when someone walks in wearing a zipper-laden leather jacket, skin-tight jeans with ripped holes, visible tattoos and a perfectly "messy" hairdo?  Of course, the first thing you think is, "that guy is definitely in a band!" If a scene si ... [Read More]

Converting files to MP3 format

There are dozens of other music files formats other than MP3, such as: AIFF, WAV, WMA, MP4, ACC, FLAC, OGG, etc'... MP3 is the most common and compatible music format and is perfect for sharing your songs over the internet. If your music saved as a different file type OR if you want to import the mu ... [Read More]

Music Mixing: What It Is, and Why It's Important

When I was a kid, I started playing guitar, and along with playing guitar inevitably came reading guitar-themed magazines. As a guitar neophyte, I began devouring publications on playing guitar and writing music, delving into interviews with famous artists who talked shop about writing guitar parts ... [Read More]

Featured Artist: David Llorente

David Llorente used Studio Pros for his first professional project and was blown away not only by the musicianship, but by how much they cared. "It was probably one of the best learning experiences I've ever had as a musician." That's how David Llorente feels about his time working with Studio P ... [Read More]

How to Tell if Your Demo is Good Enough

When it comes down to it, we all want to know the same thing about our music: Is my demo good enough to get me signed or placed in TV/movies? In the last post, I talked about the artist press kit--all of the things you need to include, what they should look like, and why they're important. And of ... [Read More]

Press Kit: What You Should Include

Even if you're relatively new to the musician world, you've probably heard the term "press kit" thrown around quite a few times by now. A press kit is a package of materials that you might send to record labels, media outlets, venues, etc. that contains all of the pertinent information about your b ... [Read More]

Finding Musicians For Your Band

One of the great things about Studio Pros is that we hook you up with world-class Los Angeles session musicians to play on your songs. This can be a great resource, particularly for artists who don't already know too many studio-ready musicians. But when it comes to playing live, you might decide ... [Read More]

Becoming a Famous Musician, Starting as a Beginner

It's too late. It's too much work. I'm too far behind. I'll never accomplish what I want. Do any of these excuses sound familiar to you? All too often, people give up on their musical dreams because they think they're too old, or it's too late for them to learn the skills they need, or it's too ... [Read More]

Writing a Great Chorus

It's happened to all of us: you go an entire day with the chorus of a song in your head, unable to make it go away. You listen to the song over and over again, you listen to other songs to get it out of your head, but try as you might that tune is stubbornly stuck in your brain for good. Infectiou ... [Read More]

Studio Pros + Taxi = 90% Better Chances for Song Placements

Did you know that 9 out of 10 artists who have used Studio Pros' music production service and submitted to had their songs forwarded to record labels and music supervisors? In case you didn't know, is a service that connects independent musicians like you with record label personn ... [Read More]
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