Featured Artist: Emily Russo

Emily Russo is a Boston based diva on the rise who just recently finished a Studio Pros Music Production Service. Listen to the production of her song "The Price of Letting Go" step-by-step with the Studio Pros process:   Step 1: Song sketch [audio:http://studiopros.com/mp3s/emily/sketch ... [Read More]

Overdub an Orchestra Section

Creating A Live String Sound On A Budget With the emergence of Midi and sample libraries, a more acoustic approach to synthesized sound has flourished. It is now possible for any single individual to create a very large and passable sound of, let’s say, an orchestra. Even though this advancement ha ... [Read More]

Featured Artist: Blake Burgess

There is almost not a day that goes by that I don't have a chat with one of my favorite clients and this month's featured artist, Blake Burgess. Blake has collaborated with the StudioPros production team on 17 productions to date!  Blake is unique in the fact that when he utilizes our music produ ... [Read More]
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