Using Studio Pros to Make an iPhone App

Have you ever wondered what kinds of creative things our customers do with their Studio Pros productions? Most people use our service to record their music for albums or demos, then sell them through iTunes and send them off to radio stations and record label A&R departments. Lots of artists use S ... [Read More]

Featured Artist: EDGE

EDGE is a Studio Pros artist with a very unique sound. "My musical style is a mix of all the influences I had from my work and personal life," says the French-born musician. "It's also a mix of all the different periods I went through with music styles." Some of these musical phases included The ... [Read More]

Studio Pros Starter Kit

There can be a lot to think about when you start your first Studio Pros production.  Here are some links that you should browse through before you begin to ensure you get the most out of your experience—and to be sure you make an awesome song with us! Before You Record: Preparing the Perfect Pre-Pro ... [Read More]

Choosing the Right Instrumentation For Your Song

We love giving musicians a lot of options for their songs, but not every option can be right for every song. You should always carefully consider the instrumentation you choose. Not only will the right instruments make your track sound appropriate for its genre, they will also allow you to showcase ... [Read More]

Music production by Studio Pros: The Sketch

The first step of Studio Pros' full music production package is laying down a guitar/keyboard track with a melody line synced to a click. We call it: A Sketch. The sketch will help the rhythm section (the drummer and bass player) to understand the structure, the chord progression and the melody of ... [Read More]

Preparing the Perfect Pre-production Files for Studio Pros

So, you've decided to start your first project with Studio Pros. Great! You'll notice that the first step after placing your order is the upload page. This is where you get to upload a scratch version of your song for our musicians to work from, plus any other files you might want to include. H ... [Read More]

Making Your New Year's Music Resolutions

It's time to plan some amazing goals for 2011. It's inevitable that this time of year we get bombarded by people talking about their New Year's resolutions—losing weight, flossing more, eating better, finding a new job, spending more time with family, and so on. These are all great things to work ... [Read More]

Featured Artist: Andrea Iorio

Italian artist Andrea Iorio incorporated Studio Pros into his writing process from thousands of miles away. Andrea Iorio's curiosity was piqued when he read an article about Studio Pros in Sound on Sound magazine. Living in Tuscany, Italy, he thought Studio Pros' Los Angeles-based session players ... [Read More]

Using Reference Tracks to Get The Sound You Want

Have you ever tried talking to someone about your music? Sometimes describing something so abstract can be a little tricky. "I want this song to have a smooth vibe, but still be a little rough around the edges." "This song should rock out and have tons of energy." "This track very ethereal and s ... [Read More]

Can You Write a Hit Song On Your First Try?

Wouldn't it be great if you got a huge, international hit with the first song you ever wrote? Wouldn't it feel good if the first album you recorded sold a million copies? Most of us musicians picture scenarios like this. We write and record a great piece of music and think, "this deserves to be h ... [Read More]
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