You Use the Internet For Everything – Why Not For Recording an Album?

Do you check your email first thing in the morning? Do you get up to date with the news online over an early cup of coffee? Do you use the web to check your bank account balance? These days we use the Internet for just about everything: communication with old friends via Facebook; updating our financial portfolios and checking stocks; even buying movie tickets for the 8:30 show. If you’re anything like me, the net is your go-to resource for… [Read More]

Featured Artist: Chord Slinger N Lola

Chord Slinger N Lola used Studio Pros as the glue that held together their long-distance musical collaboration. When Chord Slinger N Lola instrumentalist Don Wallingford first heard Lola sing, he immediately imagined how her voice would sound over his music. “I said, ‘My God, that would be so good for my music,’” he remembers. The only problem was that they were living in two different parts of the country: Lola sang in a metal band in New York City, while… [Read More]

All You Need is a Chord Progression and a Melody

Did you know that you probably already have enough music to record your album? Even if you just have the basic sketch of a song in your head, it’s probably enough to get started.  The Beatles once famously said that “all you need is love.”  I’m here to say that if you want to record your music, all you really need is a melody and a chord progression. (A little love doesn’t hurt, either!) You don’t need every section of… [Read More]

How to Copyright Your Songs

If you’re anything like me, you probably put a lot of hard work into your music. Writing a great song takes time, effort, and emotional energy. Making a great recording can be quite the undertaking as well (although we like to think we make that part a lot easier than it used to be by providing you with great musicians and top-notch engineers). And once you have the slick, radio-ready product in the palm of your eager hand, there’s one… [Read More]

Songwriting Tip: Intros

Did you ever wonder about what the most important part of a song is? Your initial thought might be that it’s the chorus or the hook… I’m not here to say that the chorus is not important…  It certainly is. But it’s worth noting that a chorus won’t mean much if the listener never hears it. People have short attention spans when they’re listening to music, so you’ve got to catch their attention as soon as possible with your song…. [Read More]

Featured Artist: Kevin Tye

Kevin Tye had never made a professional product with his music.  With the help of Studio Pros, he’s now taken his passion to the next level. Kevin Tye has quite a bit of musical experience–he played in local bands for almost a quarter century. Eventually he moved on to writing his own material, taking advantage of the fact that he could set up a home studio very easily with today’s computer recording options. These days, he writes and records songs… [Read More]

Featured Artist: Jeff Heiniger

Jeff Heiniger knew the importance of a professional production–so he turned to Studio Pros when he didn’t want to settle for anything less. Jeff Heiniger has known what goes into a professional production for a long time. In 1987, he won a national songwriting competition in the UK that was put together by Rolling Stones bassist Bill Wyman. The prize: a chance to record in the Stones’ state-of-the-art mobile recording studio with top producers Mick McKenna and Terry Taylor. “It was… [Read More]

Why You Don’t Need 12 Finished Songs to Start Recording Your Album

You probably have an amazing album inside you, just waiting to burst out. The funny thing is, you might not even realize it yet… Sure, you know you have a lot of great musical ideas and a whole lot of untapped creativity swirling around inside your head. But a whole album might seem like something that you won’t be able to tackle until you have 12 fully realized songs ready to go. But the fact that you only have a… [Read More]

Buying Yet Another Piece of Gear vs. Recording Your Song With Studio Pros

Technology can be a great tool. It can help you come up with your next masterpiece, and it can give you the means of recording your latest creation.  And I don’t know about you, but it sure does make me feel warm and fuzzy inside when I buy a shiny new piece of gear for my home studio. That is, until I plug it in.  You see, technology is something of a double-edged sword.  Even though buying new gear is… [Read More]

Songwriting Tip: Lyrical Themes

A successful song usually has great lyrics that stick to a central theme or idea. “Layla” by Derek and the Dominos has a theme of an unrequited love, while “Fix You” by Coldplay is full of sympathy and comforting words. Great lyrics tell a story or create a mood, sucking the listener in with every successive word. But writing great lyrics can be easier said than done. If you don’t try to contain your thoughts to a particular theme, you… [Read More]

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