Hi, I’m Ethan Rose. As some of you may already know, I am one of the producers here at the studio. When I’m not collaborating with clients through StudioPros, I spend a lot of my time focusing on my own personal music projects. I am currently a member of a duo called We The Dreamers, signed to Spectra Records, but I also like to write and record songs independently, using StudioPros to rid the limitations I face as a self-sufficient artist. To give… [Read More]
Jason Price is a Virginia based songwriter and producer that I have had the pleasure to collaborate with for his project “44 Reasons”. This song has been ringing in the back of my head since we worked on the recording. With a message of hope and determination in a time of trial and life challenge, the melodies serve as an inspiration in many of life’s road blocks. The StudioPros string section added a string arrangement and live custom string quartet… [Read More]