Worrying About The “Real World”

A friend of mine recently sent me a video compilation of words of wisdom spoken by Will Smith. You might not initially think that a guy like Will Smith–an actor who’s made his name starring in big-budget action blockbuster films such as Independence Day and Men In Black–has a lot of philosophical things to say. And you would be forgiven for assuming any advice he might have to offer would apply to actors much more than musicians (although Mr. Smith… [Read More]

Becoming a Famous Musician, Starting as a Beginner

It’s too late. It’s too much work. I’m too far behind. I’ll never accomplish what I want. Do any of these excuses sound familiar to you? All too often, people give up on their musical dreams because they think they’re too old, or it’s too late for them to learn the skills they need, or it’s too hard. Life is short, right? That boat has sailed. But thinking like that is self-defeating. There is an ancient Chinese proverb that states,… [Read More]

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