5 Rules for Meeting with A&R

If you’ve set up a meeting with the A&R person of a record company, congratulations! That’s a great first step toward kickstarting your music career. But the work has only just begun… Setting a meeting was just part one of trying to convince them that you should be added to their artist roster. Here are some tips to keep in mind before you take on the A&R world. 1. Get centered You’ll need to be in the right frame of… [Read More]

The Ultimate Guide to Music Promotion

The Internet can be a bit of a blessing and a curse for musicians.  On the one hand, it provides modern artists with an unprecedented number of avenues to gain exposure.  From MySpace to Facebook to music blogs, there are countless ways bands and artists can potentially reach thousands, even millions of music fans with just a few clicks of the mouse.  On the other hand, this ability for instant exposure means that anyone can do the exact same thing,… [Read More]

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