Featured Artist: Jimmy Jagessar

Meet Jimmy Jagessar. He’s the guy you see at a gas station offering his last penny to a homeless man out of pure compassion. Or the guy in line behind you who offers to pay for your groceries when you awkwardly realize your credit card is maxed out. Jimmy is a good Samaritan — he lives a life of selflessness, compassion, and empathy, all of which directly translate to his music. He uses his songs as a means to inspire, to bring a… [Read More]

Songwriting Tips: You Can’t Force Inspiration

Have you ever tried writing a song on a deadline? There may be any number of reasons why you’d put a due date on songwriting. You could be trying to write a song for a TV or film licensing opportunity that has a deadline. Or maybe you have a show coming up and you wanted to make sure you had a brand new song to perform for your fans. It could be that you’ve set up a meeting with the… [Read More]

Worrying About The “Real World”

A friend of mine recently sent me a video compilation of words of wisdom spoken by Will Smith. You might not initially think that a guy like Will Smith–an actor who’s made his name starring in big-budget action blockbuster films such as Independence Day and Men In Black–has a lot of philosophical things to say. And you would be forgiven for assuming any advice he might have to offer would apply to actors much more than musicians (although Mr. Smith… [Read More]

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