Meet Jimmy Jagessar. He’s the guy you see at a gas station offering his last penny to a homeless man out of pure compassion. Or the guy in line behind you who offers to pay for your groceries when you awkwardly realize your credit card is maxed out. Jimmy is a good Samaritan — he lives a life of selflessness, compassion, and empathy, all of which directly translate to his music. He uses his songs as a means to inspire, to bring a… [Read More]
Beginners Guide To Song Form Part 2 After receiving such great feedback from you guys, we’ve decided to continue the songwriting form series. Last time we touched on the AABA format using Paul Simon’s “Still Crazy After All These Years” as an example, and today I want to focus on the most popular song structure-ABABCB. Understanding Song Structure Basics: ABABCB Song Form The ABABCB Song Form: The most common song form is the ABABCB form, which is a verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-chorus song…. [Read More]