Working from halfway across the world, Reign Lee used Studio Pros to record with world-class LA studio musicians from the the comfort of her own home. Playing across continents is hard work, but recording an album with musicians that are halfway across the globe is even harder. Unless you do what Hong Kong musician Reign Lee did: record with Studio Pros. Lee has no trouble finding musicians to back her up in the many countries where she gigs, but when… [Read More]
Wouldn’t it be great if you got a huge, international hit with the first song you ever wrote? Wouldn’t it feel good if the first album you recorded sold a million copies? Most of us musicians picture scenarios like this. We write and record a great piece of music and think, “this deserves to be heard by millions and touch countless lives.” We’re not wrong. It’s perfectly acceptable to shoot for the stars. Actually, if you don’t set your sights… [Read More]
Juggling his music and a busy personal life, Manx found Studio Pros to be the perfect way to get professional recordings without having to leave his best friend’s side. Studio Pros customer Manx calls his music “blue-eyed reggae,” although he plays much more than that. “I do a little bit of everything,” he says. “I have one country song and some pop/rock songs, I have a rock song, I even have kids’ songs.” Manx has been playing music for most… [Read More]
Do you check your email first thing in the morning? Do you get up to date with the news online over an early cup of coffee? Do you use the web to check your bank account balance? These days we use the Internet for just about everything: communication with old friends via Facebook; updating our financial portfolios and checking stocks; even buying movie tickets for the 8:30 show. If you’re anything like me, the net is your go-to resource for… [Read More]
Did you know that you probably already have enough music to record your album? Even if you just have the basic sketch of a song in your head, it’s probably enough to get started. The Beatles once famously said that “all you need is love.” I’m here to say that if you want to record your music, all you really need is a melody and a chord progression. (A little love doesn’t hurt, either!) You don’t need every section of… [Read More]
You probably have an amazing album inside you, just waiting to burst out. The funny thing is, you might not even realize it yet… Sure, you know you have a lot of great musical ideas and a whole lot of untapped creativity swirling around inside your head. But a whole album might seem like something that you won’t be able to tackle until you have 12 fully realized songs ready to go. But the fact that you only have a… [Read More]
Technology can be a great tool. It can help you come up with your next masterpiece, and it can give you the means of recording your latest creation. And I don’t know about you, but it sure does make me feel warm and fuzzy inside when I buy a shiny new piece of gear for my home studio. That is, until I plug it in. You see, technology is something of a double-edged sword. Even though buying new gear is… [Read More]
So many talented songwriters and composers love melodies and harmonies so much that they layer as many into their song as they possibly can. They want the best music productions for their songs, but think that adding more and more instruments and parts will make their production sound great. Unfortunately, it won’t! Less is more Have you ever noticed that some of the biggest hits of all time only have three or four instruments on them? Lots of classic Beatles… [Read More]
I always love it when I’m listening to a song and I suddenly notice when a tasty bass groove kicks in. Even though bass guitar tends to be a background instrument, every once in a while a bassist will bust into a part so awesome you have to take notice and say, “Who is that bass player??” I’d guess that a lot of people might not even realize how important the bass is–until, that is, you take it away! A… [Read More]
Even if you’re relatively new to the musician world, you’ve probably heard the term “press kit” thrown around quite a few times by now. A press kit is a package of materials that you might send to record labels, media outlets, venues, etc. that contains all of the pertinent information about your band. But what does that mean exactly? What is and isn’t relevant information? You’ll want your press kit to follow some basic standards if industry people are going… [Read More]