Anyone Has a Chance to Make It

This is a pretty amazing time in the music industry. Sure, you might be hearing a lot about how the business is suffering, records aren’t selling, and all sorts of other stories of doom and gloom. But what you may not be hearing about is how exciting it is for independent artists at the moment. Yes, big record companies are suffering at the hands of the Internet and file sharing. But there’s something else going on that you may also… [Read More]

Follow Studio Pros on Twitter & Facebook

Studio Pros is joining in on the many online conversations about the music business! We want to hear what you, the independent artist, thinks about the state of the industry. We want you to show the world the projects you’re working on with Studio Pros.  And we want to have a little fun, too! Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to get: – Interesting and relevant links to cool music news – Recording tips and tricks – Music career advice… [Read More]

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