Sirius vs. XM? Not Anymore.
It used to be that there were two competing satellite radio services: Sirius and XM radio. But in 2008, the two companies merged to form SiriusXM radio, with a huge selection of channels that were originally exclusive to one or the other. Boasting well over 200 stations that can be heard anywhere in the country and nearly 20 million subscribers, satellite radio could be a huge resource for unsigned independent artists to get a little music promotion and exposure. That's why up and coming artists shouldn't ignore the numbers and should realize that getting on satellite radio could help them reach millions of music fans.
Have a Professionally Produced Demo or Album
If you want to be played in the big leagues, you need a big league-worthy product. Record your album as professionally as possible to compete with the other major label productions that are played on the radio. If you don't feel like you have a broadcast quality recording, start up a production with Studio Pros. We can help you get to the professional level with our world-class session musicians and Grammy-nominated mixing and mastering engineer.
You're also gonna need a complete press kit. This is the music promotion tool that you'll be submitting, and it includes your demo, bio, photo, and any press clippings you may have. You can find out more by reading our guide to making a great press kit.
Find a Station
SiriusXM has an impressive list of stations (around 250 at the time of this post). You might start by trying to find a station that plays similar music to your genre, or any that specialize in independent music. For example, XMU plays indie rock and The Verge specializes in unsigned and independent bands from Canada. Other stations, like Little Steven's Underground Garage, might also have opportunities for unsigned bands.
Submit Your Music to the Programming Department
While you might be able to contact specific stations directly, the official way to be considered for SiriusXM radio airplay is by sending your materials to their Music Programming Department in New York City. Get your press kit together and make sure everything is in order and write up a cover letter introducing yourself. You might even want to mention some of the stations you think your music would be a good fit for. Mail your package to:
Attn: Music Programming Department
1221 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
If you're not sure if your recording is good enough to submit to satellite radio, send it to us for some feedback through our free project consultation form.