Born and raised in Western Kansas (Garden City), Kaylee is just 16 years old and an upcoming junior in high school. She has already gotten 10 college credits and is currently studying at the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts in New York during her summer school break. Planning to be graduated from high school by Christmas, Keller is going on to start her college studies full time in January. I jokingly reminded her this morning to enjoy being a kid while she still can:)
We chose to produce 3 songs together to showcase her versatility as she develops as an artist. We produced 2 original songs by Kaylee. "Stand Up" and "Puzzle Piece" shed light on her pop/country sensibilities with a full band instrumentation of live drums, bass, guitars, keys and additional drum programming. We also picked out a cover song to present Kaylee's softer side. We chose the popular song "Hallelujah" and approached it with a more stripped back instrumentation of acoustic and electric guitars, cello, upright bass and piano in an acoustic ballad style. For all 3 songs we utilized our talented session vocalist Shelby to add supportive backing vocals to build up the chorus's and add vocal interest in the productions.
Check out samples of Kaylee's songs produced by StudioPros:
Hallelujah (cover)
Puzzle Piece (original)
Puzzle Piece
Stand Up (original)
Stand Up
I could hear the promise and excitement in Kaylee's voice throughout each step of the production when she would call me after receiving a new instrument preview. I know that this is just the start of the journey for Kaylee and can't wait to hear more as she continues to grow and develop as a songwriter, artist and individual. I also couldn't complete this article without mentioning Kaylee's wonderful and supportive mother Pam who was also encouraging and supporting Kaylee every step of the way.
How did you first get involved with StudioPros.com?
My mom found StudioPros online while searching for music production company's and then it was all success from there.
How was the StudioPros process for you? Was it difficult to work online?
StudioPros has been a very easy process for my situation and they made sure to work around my schedule. We talked on the phone and they walked me through every step. I have enjoyed working with my producer Kati. Even though we have never met in person, I feel like I could call her up like a friend. She listened very well and taught me a lot while guiding me thru the music productions with awesome patience.

StudioPros helped my songs sound professional by adding the instruments and background vocals. They also gave me vocal advice and made sure I understood every step of the process.
How many songs have you produced with StudioPros?
I have produced 3 songs with StudioPros. Two originals that I co-wrote with my mother and one cover song.
What are you doing with your music? What's next for you?
What's next is sharing my music over the internet and making it viral. I am working with a marketing company in NY who will be promoting and releasing my music on the web. I plan to have my first single available in August 2014.
Who are some of your favorite songwriters and musical influences?
My mother is my main inspiration and her love for music and theater must've rubbed off on me. Musical influences include: Laura Bell Bundy, Jamie Grace, Olivia Newton John, Dolly Parton, Shania Twain, Philip Phillips, and Toby Mac.
When did you begin songwriting? What instruments do you write with?
I began songwriting every since I was small. It never really got serious until this year. I don't write with any instruments but I'm slowly learning how to play the guitar. The writing process for my songs was very fun and relaxing or I wouldn't be doing it. Anytime my mom or I got an idea we would sit on my bed and write away until we were satisfied with what we wrote! There is always on going editing to the songs.
I like to write about different people that I have met and different times and circumstances in my life and look at the positive side of the "not so positive times." Really I just want to make people smile with my music.
Besides music, what else do you enjoy?
I enjoy acting on stage and on film. This summer I have gotten the opportunity to study at the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts in New York. I also enjoy playing tennis, traveling, and spending time with my family, and all kinds of water sports. I am currently a high school student, but I am taking college classes and trying to graduate early. I then plan on attending a performing arts college and then seeing where God takes my future from there.
To keep in the loop on Kaylee's music, you can like her on Facebook.
Get your songs produced by StudioPros
If you are interested in getting your songs produced professionally, don’t hesitate to contact producers Kati O’Toole or Robb Hutzal.
Read more about StudioPros Music Production here: http://studiopros.com/music-production.php
If you’d like to discuss getting a project started, call: 1-310-928-7776. We look forward to working with you soon!