How to Tell if Your Demo is Good Enough

When it comes down to it, we all want to know the same thing about our music: Is my demo good enough to get me signed or placed in TV/movies? In the last post, I talked about the artist press kit–all of the things you need to include, what they should look like, and why they’re important. And of course, I stressed the fact that the demo is far and away the most important part of the package. You might… [Read More]

Studio Pros – The Answer To Your Recording Woes

Ever wish someone could help guide you through the entire music production process? I know I do, and for that, I turn to Studio Pros. Musicians are notorious for being a bit behind the game when it comes to getting things done on time. That’s what we’re here for. At Studio Pros, we help you record your song every step of the way. We make sure our session players deliver quality material, in a timely fashion. Sure you could book time… [Read More]

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